dan penguatan budaya lokal diarahkan pada peningkatan kwalitas seni dan
kerajinan untuk mendukung kebudayaan Bali sebagai salah satu daya tarik wisata
yang dapat meningkatkan perekonomian masyarakat dan Pendapatan Asli Daerah (PAD).
Sejalan dengan hal tersebut UPT. Taman Budaya
akan melaksanakan koordinasi dan kerjasama dengan pihak ketiga dalam
rangka membantu dan mendukung pemberdayaan UPT Taman Budaya disamping
pendapatan ekonomi masyarakat melalui kegiatan berbagai macam pementasan dan
2009 UPT Taman Budaya Provinsi Bali telah mendapatkan penghargaan dalam rangka
mendukung sebagai obyek pariwisata dari THK Award oleh Bali Travel News.
dan prasarana yang dimiliki oleh UPT Taman Budaya merupakan modal dasar untuk
kedepannya dalam berkiprah di dunia pariwisata. Seperti adanya bangunan fisik
yang megah, stage-stage besar dan kecil akan dapat menunjang berbagai kegiatan
seni dengan pola penempatan bangunannya mengambil konsep Tri Hita Karana (Tiga
cara menuju kebahagiaan ) dan Hasta Bumi yang bernafaskan ajaran agama Hindu.
tema yang dipakai dalam mewujudkan bangunan fisik dan nama- nama gedung
mengambil cerita Mahabarata dan Ramayana .
Development and strengthening of local culture directed at improving the quality of arts and crafts to support the culture of Bali as a tourist attraction that can improve people's economic and local revenue. In line with this is the Technical Services Unit ( TSU ) Cultural Park will carry out coordination and cooperation with third parties in order to assist and support the empowerment of the TSU. Cultural Park in addition to the economic income of the community through a variety of performances and exhibitions.
In 2009 the Bali Provincial Cultural Park has been honored in order to support tourism as an object of THK Award by Bali Travel News.
Facilities and infrastructure owned by the TSU. Cultural Park is authorized to work in the world of the future in tourism. Such a magnificent physical building, large and small stages will be able to support a variety of arts activities with patterns of placement of the building is taking the concept of Tri Hita Karana (three ways to happiness) and a breath of Earth Hasta Hindu religion.
These themes are used in creating the physical structure and the names of the building took the Mahabharata and Ramayana.
Development and strengthening of local culture directed at improving the quality of arts and crafts to support the culture of Bali as a tourist attraction that can improve people's economic and local revenue. In line with this is the Technical Services Unit ( TSU ) Cultural Park will carry out coordination and cooperation with third parties in order to assist and support the empowerment of the TSU. Cultural Park in addition to the economic income of the community through a variety of performances and exhibitions.
In 2009 the Bali Provincial Cultural Park has been honored in order to support tourism as an object of THK Award by Bali Travel News.
Facilities and infrastructure owned by the TSU. Cultural Park is authorized to work in the world of the future in tourism. Such a magnificent physical building, large and small stages will be able to support a variety of arts activities with patterns of placement of the building is taking the concept of Tri Hita Karana (three ways to happiness) and a breath of Earth Hasta Hindu religion.
These themes are used in creating the physical structure and the names of the building took the Mahabharata and Ramayana.
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