Lomba Utsawa ini terdiri dari lomba dharma wecana, membaca lontar dan cerdas cermat. Para peserta yang lengkap lengan busana adat Bali begitu antusias mengikuti lomba ini. Bagi mereka mengikuti lomba utsawa ini merupakan salah satu jalan untuk melestarikan budaya Bali.
Berdasarkan kitab suci Veda, Utsawa Dharma Gita pada hakekatnya adalah; Phalasruti, Phala- sloka, dan Phalakwaya. Phalasruti mengandung makna pahala dari pembacaan kibat-kitab sruti atau wahyu yang pada umumnya disebut mantra yang berasal dari Hyang Widhi. Phalasloka adalah pahala dari pembacaan kitab-kitab susastra Hindu seperti kitab Itihasa, yakni Ramayana cur. Mahabrata. Phalawakya adalah tradisi pembacaan karya sastra Jawa Kuno berbentuk prosa atau parva. Utsawa berarti festival atau lomba. Sedangkan Dharma Gita adalah nyanyian suci keagamaan. Dengan demikian, Utsawa Dharma Gita adalah festival atau lomba nyanyian suci keagamaan Hindu. Utsawa Dharma Gita. sebagai kidung suci keagamaan Hindu telah lama berkembang di masyarakat melalui berbagai pesantian, , baik yang ada di Bali maupun luar Bali.
The 24th of Bali Province of Utsawa Dharmagita was held from 9 to 11 June 2012 and officially closed by the Head of Culture of Bali, I Ketut Suastika June 11, 2012 in the building Ksirarnawa Art Centre.
The Utsawa competition consists of a dharma wacana contest , manuscripts reading and quiz. Participants which complete the Balinese fashion arm so enthusiastic about taking this. For those following the contest utsawa this is one way to preserve the culture of Bali.
According to the Vedic scriptures, Utsawa Dharma Gita is essentially; Phalasruti, Phala-sloka, and Phalakwaya. Phalasruti implies kibat reward of reading the Bible Sruti or revelation that is generally called mantra coming from God. Phalasloka is the reward of reading the books of Hindu literature such as the book Itihasa, the Ramayana and the Mahabharata. Phalawakya is a tradition of reading the Old Javanese literary works in the form of prose or Parva. Utsawa means festival or contest. While Dharma Gita is a sacred religious songs. Thus, Utsawa Dharma Gita is a festival or sacred Hindu religious singing contest. Utsawa Dharma Gita. as a Hindu bhajan has long been grown in the community through various pesantian, both in Bali and outside Bali.
------------------------------The Utsawa competition consists of a dharma wacana contest , manuscripts reading and quiz. Participants which complete the Balinese fashion arm so enthusiastic about taking this. For those following the contest utsawa this is one way to preserve the culture of Bali.
According to the Vedic scriptures, Utsawa Dharma Gita is essentially; Phalasruti, Phala-sloka, and Phalakwaya. Phalasruti implies kibat reward of reading the Bible Sruti or revelation that is generally called mantra coming from God. Phalasloka is the reward of reading the books of Hindu literature such as the book Itihasa, the Ramayana and the Mahabharata. Phalawakya is a tradition of reading the Old Javanese literary works in the form of prose or Parva. Utsawa means festival or contest. While Dharma Gita is a sacred religious songs. Thus, Utsawa Dharma Gita is a festival or sacred Hindu religious singing contest. Utsawa Dharma Gita. as a Hindu bhajan has long been grown in the community through various pesantian, both in Bali and outside Bali.
ヴェーダ聖典によると、ウサワダルマギーターは、本質的にである; パラスルティ、パラ-スロカ、とパラワキア。 パラスルティは聖書スルティまたは一般的に神から来るマントラと呼ばれる啓示を読み取る報酬を意味します。 パラソカは、このような本イティハサ、ラーマーヤナとマハーバーラタなどヒンドゥー文学の本を読んでの報酬です。 パラワキアは、散文またはパルワの形で古ジャワ文学作品を読んでの伝統である。 ウサワはフェスティバルやコンテストを意味します。ダルマギーターは、神聖な宗教的な曲ですが。したがって、ウサワダルマギーターはお祭りや神聖なヒンズー教の宗教的な歌のコンテストです。 ウサワダルマギーター。ヒンドゥーバジャン限りバリ島で、バリ内外、さまざまなペサンティアンを通じて地域で栽培されています。
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