1 s/d 4 Agustus 2013. Kegiatan ini diselenggarakan Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha bekerja sama
dengan beberapa pemangku kepentingan seni budaya Bali Utara, seperti
Yayasan Pelestarian Warisan Budaya Bali Utara, Listibiya Buleleng, RRI
Singaraja dan didukung Pemda Bali dan Pemda Buleleng. Tema dari kegiatan ini adalah ''Kreativitas & Inovasi– Ciri Khas Bali Utara''. Banyak acara yang dilakukan dalam kegiatan ini seperti konferensi budaya, demo dan pameran seni budaya di museum Buleleng, Kuliner khas Buleleng, foto-foto Buleleng tenpo dulu, musik modern dan kontemporer, tari topeng dan bondres (stand-up comedy) Bali, dll. Sejumlah seniman internasional juga ikut meramekan kegiatan ini seperti pianis/antropolog Henk Mak van Dijk dan komposer Sinta Wullur (keduanya
dari Belanda), Balawan, Arnaud Kokosky Deforchaux (penari, koreografer, Belanda, dll.
August 1- 4, 2013. This event was organized Ganesha University in collaboration with multiple stakeholders of North Balinese art and culture, such as the Heritage Preservation Foundation of North Bali, Buleleng LISTIBIYA, RRI Singaraja and supported by Bali and Buleleng government . The theme of this event is'' Creativity & Innovation-Characteristic North Bali''. Many events in this activity such as, cultural conferences, demonstrations and exhibitions of art and culture in museums Buleleng, Culinary typical of Buleleng, Buleleng oldish photo, modern and contemporary music, dance masks and Bondres (stand-up comedy) Bali, etc. A number of international artists also enliven this activity as a pianist / anthropologist Henk Mak van Dijk and composer Sinta Wullur (both from the Netherlands), Balawan, Arnaud Kokosky Deforchaux (dancer, choreographer, Netherlands, etc.
August 1- 4, 2013. This event was organized Ganesha University in collaboration with multiple stakeholders of North Balinese art and culture, such as the Heritage Preservation Foundation of North Bali, Buleleng LISTIBIYA, RRI Singaraja and supported by Bali and Buleleng government . The theme of this event is'' Creativity & Innovation-Characteristic North Bali''. Many events in this activity such as, cultural conferences, demonstrations and exhibitions of art and culture in museums Buleleng, Culinary typical of Buleleng, Buleleng oldish photo, modern and contemporary music, dance masks and Bondres (stand-up comedy) Bali, etc. A number of international artists also enliven this activity as a pianist / anthropologist Henk Mak van Dijk and composer Sinta Wullur (both from the Netherlands), Balawan, Arnaud Kokosky Deforchaux (dancer, choreographer, Netherlands, etc.