Salam Budaya,

Hari /Tanggal : Selasa, 16 Oktober 2012
Pukul : 17.30 wita- selesai
Tempat : Nabeshima Creativ Space
Acara : Penyerahan apresiasi bulanan jurnalis seni budaya dan diskusi dengan tema "Masa Depan Kesenian Turistiki"
Pembicara : Dr Nyoman Catra, Budayawan Wayan Griya dan Kolumnis Made Sudira (Aridus)
Culture regards
In the framework of the monthly event "Arts Appreciation Journalists" organized AJI Denpasar and ARTI Foundation, we expect the presence of friends at:
Day / Date: Tuesday, October 16, 2012
Time: 17:30 pm-finish
Place: Nabeshima Creativ space
Event: Submission of monthly appreciation of arts and culture journalist and discussion with the theme "The Future of Art Turistiki"
Speaker: Dr Nyoman Catra, Wayan Griya and Made Sudira
Day / Date: Tuesday, October 16, 2012
Time: 17:30 pm-finish
Place: Nabeshima Creativ space
Event: Submission of monthly appreciation of arts and culture journalist and discussion with the theme "The Future of Art Turistiki"
Speaker: Dr Nyoman Catra, Wayan Griya and Made Sudira
AJIデンパサールとARTI財団主催月例イベント "芸術の感謝のジャーナリスト"の枠組みの中で、我々は、で友人の存在を期待する:
場所:ナベシマ クレアチッフスペース
スピーカー:ニョマン カテュラ、ワヤン グリヤと マデ スディラ
場所:ナベシマ クレアチッフスペース
スピーカー:ニョマン カテュラ、ワヤン グリヤと マデ スディラ
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