UPT. Taman Budaya Provinsi Bali, Senin 18 Pebruari 2013 secara resmi melaksanakan workshop pelatihan tari jauk Manis dan tari Kreasi. Workshop ini diikuti oleh kurang lebih 170 orang yang terdiri dari Siswa SMP, SMA, SMK se-Bali, Guru-Guru Tari Se-Bali, dan Sanggar- Sanggar Tari Se- Bali. Workshop ini berlangsung dari tanggal 18 sampai dengan 22 Pebruari 2013. Workshop ini dibuka oleh Kepala Dinas Kebudayaan Provinsi Bali, didampingi Kepala UPT. Taman Budaya Provinsi Bali dan Bapak Jimat selaku maestro tari dan sekaligus menjadi pelatih tari Jauk Manis.
The Unit. Bali Provincial Cultural Park, Monday 18 February 2013 formally organize the training or workshop Jauk Manis and Creations Dance. This workshop was attended by approximately 170 people consisting of students of Junior High School, Senior High School and Vocational School, Balinese Dance Teacher and Dance Studio in Bali. This workshop took place from 18 to 22 February 2013. The workshop was opened by the Head of the Bali Provincial Cultural Office, accompanied by the Head of Unit. Bali Provincial Cultural Park and Mr. Jimat as well as a maestro of dance and trainer of Jauk Manis Dance.
The Unit. Bali Provincial Cultural Park, Monday 18 February 2013 formally organize the training or workshop Jauk Manis and Creations Dance. This workshop was attended by approximately 170 people consisting of students of Junior High School, Senior High School and Vocational School, Balinese Dance Teacher and Dance Studio in Bali. This workshop took place from 18 to 22 February 2013. The workshop was opened by the Head of the Bali Provincial Cultural Office, accompanied by the Head of Unit. Bali Provincial Cultural Park and Mr. Jimat as well as a maestro of dance and trainer of Jauk Manis Dance.