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Dana tersebut sudah termasuk bantuan yang diserahkan ke kabupaten/kota se-Bali sebesar Rp 250 juta.
"Penyelenggaraan PKB tahun ini dianggarkan Rp 4,6 miliar," ujar Kepala Dinas Kebudayaan Provinsi Bali I Ketut Suastika, Rabu (29/2) di Denpasar. Dana itu dialokasikan dari APBD Provinsi Bali 2012.
Menurut Suastika, bantuan lainnya diarahkan kepada Sekeha atau kelompok seni di masing-masing kabupaten/kota secara keseluruhan totalnya Rp1,55 miliar. Tambahan lain, lanjutnya yaitu memberi bantuan yang dikelola langsung untuk sanggar tari di seluruh Bali yang keseluruhan mencapai Rp950 juta.
Berdasarkan pertimbangan dari para seniman, kata Suastika, tahun ini lokasi parade atau pawai pembukaan PKB akan dilakukan di Lapangan Puputan Margarana depan monumen perjuangan rakyat Bali Bajra Sandhi Renon Denpasar. Alasannya, agar memberi ruang lebih luas bagi para seniman dalam melakukan atraksi keseniannya. (OL-11)
Penulis : Ruta Suryana
Kamis, 01 Maret 2012 01:33 WIB------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
DENPASAR - MICOM: Bali Provincial Government through the Department of Culture budgeted Rp 4, 6 billion for the implementation of the Bali Arts Festival (PKB) in 2012.
The fund has included the assistance given to the districts / cities in Bali Rp 250 million.
"Implementation PKB this year budgeted USD 4.6 billion," said Head of the Bali Provincial Cultural Office I Ketut Suastika, Wednesday (29/2) in Denpasar. The funds allocated from the budget of Bali Province in 2012.
According Suastika, other assistance is directed to Sekeha or arts groups in each district / city Rp1 overall total, 55 billion. Moreover, he added that giving aid directly managed to dance in Bali which totaled Rp950 million.
Based on consideration of the artists, said Suastika, this year's parade or location of the opening of PKB parade will be conducted on the Margarana Puputan front of the Balinese people struggle monument Bajra Sandhi Renon Denpasar. The reason, in order to provide more space for artists in performing arts attractions. (OL-11)
The fund has included the assistance given to the districts / cities in Bali Rp 250 million.
"Implementation PKB this year budgeted USD 4.6 billion," said Head of the Bali Provincial Cultural Office I Ketut Suastika, Wednesday (29/2) in Denpasar. The funds allocated from the budget of Bali Province in 2012.
According Suastika, other assistance is directed to Sekeha or arts groups in each district / city Rp1 overall total, 55 billion. Moreover, he added that giving aid directly managed to dance in Bali which totaled Rp950 million.
Based on consideration of the artists, said Suastika, this year's parade or location of the opening of PKB parade will be conducted on the Margarana Puputan front of the Balinese people struggle monument Bajra Sandhi Renon Denpasar. The reason, in order to provide more space for artists in performing arts attractions. (OL-11)
"4、6億ドールの予算の実施契約は今年、"バリ州文化局イケテュッテュ スアスティカ、デンパサールの水曜日(29/2)の頭部を言った。資金は2012年にバリ州の予算から割り当てられます。
アーティストの考慮に基づいて、スアスティカ、今年のパレードやオープニングパレードの場所は、バリの人々の闘争の記念碑バジェラサンディレノンのデンパサールの マグララナププタンの目の前に実施されました。芸術観光を行うのアーティストのために多くのスペースを提供するために理由。 (OL-11)